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Vicki xx

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Health and Holidays, grateful day 14.

Banyan Figs, New Farm Park, Brisbane.
These trees watch the children at play in the amazing park. 
Chantal contemplating
The more I think about being grateful the more I realize that I have taken some aspects of my life for granted. My children's health is vitally important to me, their physical, emotional and mental health, I strive to make sure they eat healthily, I give them extra nutrients, fresh foods, I don't factor fast foods into our diet at all, if we travel by car I prepare food to take. I also keep an eye on their sleep, I try to make sure that they are well rested, there's a lot for the brain to take in at school. I also try to keep a balance with a calm, happy and peaceful home life, I play beautiful music across the spectrum, I burn fragrant oils, I have flowers or palms from the garden, I display books every week, just for interest, I plan days out at the theatre, the art gallery, the botanical gardens but yet I don't consciously acknowledge my thanks.  At school, with friends, just going about the typical day brings them into contact with all sorts of stressors, especially now as the girls are in their final year of schooling, the pressure is on the get the passes for the University courses they want to get into.  Everything just works so well when we are healthy but rarely do I give it more thought than that until I see people who are challenged with health problems and that's when I feel humble and grateful.

Alexandria with shells.

Beach flowers

Berkelouw Book Barn, Southern Highlands, such a find! Fire in winter, cafe, open paddocks...

On holidays I like to discover interesting things, and it could be anything from a bookshop or a plaque on a garden wall. I've come to realise that I'm not the exciting type of mother who takes their children on rollar coasters or camping in the wilds. Although they can all ski and sail and swim like fish, the son rides motoX and one descends from helicopters,I have suffered and taken them to the theme parks, I just prefer to have my feet planted!
The rummage shed at Berkelouw.

Pilgrams at Milton, our healthy food cafe.

Tomaree Mountain, Nelson Bay, a great walk with a view to take your breath away.

I will try to keep my gratitude in full awareness. I need to be mindful.
Take care, thank you for reading and have a lovely day,

Monday, March 7, 2011

15 days of gratitude.

Blogging is not something that comes easily to me, I started because I wanted this year to be a year where I tried a different thing every week, something that I'd not normally consider. I don't want life to be...same ole, same ole.

The problem is, being private is a natural way of being for me, to reveal my thoughts and aspirations feels almost surreal and I find I like to delve too deeply into life to put it all onto a blog, it would bore everyone I'm sure, so I've decided to take inspiration from my friend, Jillian at deux chiens et un garcon, and think about some aspects of my life that I feel grateful for. I am aware that there are books and websites that show people how to tune into being grateful, in the past I have tried writing down, at the end of the day the three things that I am grateful for,  I am always keen and conscientious to start but soon the little notebook bought specifically for that intention starts to fill up with recipes, quotes, things to research, fallen leaves, sketches of trees.....so here I am to be grateful for 15 days. Thanks Jillian. I love your musings.

I am grateful for my daughter Chantal. She has many abilities, amongst them to see clearly into situations, for that reason and many others I think she will make a good politician, all she has ever wanted to be. She is always grateful for everything! She thanks me for every little thing I do for her, eg, driving her to school, listening to her talk about her day....she also likes to take a dramatic photo!

I am grateful for my daughter Alexandria. She is a sensitive, musical, switched on girl who loves travel and wants to explore. She has her feet on the ground, she loves history, animals and mystery. She cares about people doing the right thing. She likes to talk about the 'why' in the world. She reminds me to learn everyday, even when it's hard....like French!


Two of the best reasons for me to be eternally grateful....and I've got another 14 days to go!
Take care,
P.S. I am grateful for trees.