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Vicki xx

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The darling Kristian, when a bottle just won't do!
Earl Grey at the National Portrait Gallery.
Take away macchiato or latte.
Alex, with hot chocolat, sourdough raisin toast
Tea for two or four or....
I'm very grateful to the discovery of tea. I love it. Put me in a tea shop and I'm in sensory overload, the olfactory has never had such delight, well maybe in spring time...and I do love the smell of little babies...

Way, way back, before the 10th Century it was being served, exchanged and adapted.

What would we do if not for this social ritual? I could imagine meeting a friend in a park or a gallery but so often the most bonding of times is simply sipping a beverage with said friend in a busy, noisy cafe. There is an intimacy in these places that belies their appearance. My favourite was a tiny, dark, stone walled, old cafe in a lane way in Rome, large covered mugs of rich, gooey hot chocolat and coffee with aromas to lift the senses. What is your favourite place to drink tea or coffee in?

Have a lovely day,


deux chiens et un garcon said...

Oh your lovely family.

I do like drinking a cuppa in a beautiful garden setting on gorgeous cast iron outdoor setting with lots of pot plants and under the shade of maybe a crepe myrtle in full flower.

But then also really love that early morning cup of tea brought to me in bed from my loved one, propped up against all my pillows with Che running back and forth bringing me books to read.

Have a lovely long weekend.


Ro from Earthdownunder said...

At home, outside, hiding around the corner with my hubby from the kids. They find us most times and open up with all sorts of news. It is a lovely treasure tea. I only started drinking it 9 years ago. Addicted now. Happy long weekend

devonmama said...

Ooo tea, lovely. I love to drink a big pot of nettle tea in bed, with a good book and some good knitting, and the boys alseep next to me! Love your post xx

Suze said...

I'll drink coffee where anyone is serving it. And I never let anyone drink it, alone. :)

I love the color of Kristian's hair.

Kimmie said...

I adore a good cup of tea. All time fav place to drink tea would be poured from a billy into an enamel camping mug whilst sitting around a campfire :]


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you're SO right about the virtues of tea. Since moving to the UK nearly 20 years ago I've become hooked, and now could never do without it. My favourite place to have a cuppa is in bed, when my darling husband has brought it to me first thing in the morning. Second favy place: outside in the garden, with my husband. (Thanks also for your great comment on the Dafter's post!)
Can I also say your photo of Kristian is absolutely heart-melting! Those wee hands...

Olga said...

Wonderful post. It's inspiring me to make a tea post, describing the place that it has in my life. I'm glad we have this shared preference.

Small Things Simple Pleasures said...

I can't start the day without a good cup of tea.

The displays at T2 always pull me in even though I'm not a massive fan of their teas as I find them a bit too perfumey for my tastes.

Having said that, I don't think I could live without their one-cup loose tea diffuser when I don't need to make a whole pot.