
Welcome and thank-you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate you spending your time visiting and would love to hear your comments. I can also stop by and say hi to you.

Vicki xx

Friday, June 3, 2011


Alpaca heaven. Berrima.
We're just visiting but would love to live here.
Leaf  blowers in Canberra, a regular morning sight.
Kristian waiting for the horse.
With mum and Dad, big two.
The Blessing of the Fleet parade
20 cents for a slice of watermelon
Alex, Chantal and I have not long returned from a little tour of the Southern Highlands via a visit to Ulladulla to see daughter and sister Stephanie and grandson and nephew Kristian. It was so good to take leave, no more books and study for the girls, no more routine for me, just free days with no agenda. Delightful.

Like mother, like son.

The days were deliciously crisp, the leaves crunched under foot, the wind rustled in the trees,  the pine cones fell, the wool shops beckoned, the cafes sent out their aromas to lead us in, people smiled, talked, told me their stories, in one shop whilst looking for a toy owl for Kristian the lady owner told of her struggle in life with her son, her father asked her back home to live, on a big property, for over 4 years she struggled to regain all that she'd lost, she learnt to cook, to garden, to care for her son, to rest, now she has bought a shop and is working towards building some cottages for guests where she will cook organically from her garden. She smiled a lot. Another, a waitress, told of selling her restaurant and packing as she and her husband are moving to japan. She is excited to live in an embassy and to ski in Japan. A dream that has come true.
Alpaca warm.

I'm drawn to the cold climates, when the air is fresh and the cheeks are cold, it's there that I can think and process all my thoughts, not when the air is heavy with moisture and hot and the limbs drag. I love to start the day with porridge, to walk in mist and see the moss growing on stones, the houses that are a part of a town through always being there, tumble down walls, sometimes as in Tasmania the old milestones on the side of the road still in roman numerals. I need to feel part of what's gone before me.

Thanks for visiting,
have a lovely day,


Suze said...

I love the photo of Kristian waiting for the horse.

Susan said...

Beautiful to read. You describe everything with such enthusiasm and enjoyment of each moment.
A lovely, relaxing trip by the sound of things :D)

D said...

Vickixx, thanks for stopping by and giving me an opportunity to visit and enjoy this journey.

Cooler temps in the Pacific northwest is what I most enjoy... folks can keep the heat and humidity for I always long for a cool breeze and the shade. Have a wonderful weekend.

Mariette said...

Dearest Vicki,

Thanks for your visit and comment. As promised above my comment place; I follow you now.
You are looking forward to cooler days. Our Goddaughter just got back from Queensland, she was on vacation and for the wedding of her best friend. So she lost a friend from The Netherlands to an Australian husband... Quite a distance to go see each other! Our Goddaughter's wedding is early September so we too have to visit another continent... That's life!

Lots of love,


deux chiens et un garcon said...

Dear Vicki

Your notes evoke such warmth and love in your family.

Interesting how you perfer the cold. There is something so comforting about warm cosy houses, intersting clothing that can be worn, people indoors realting to each other.

It is so chilly here today 13 degrees. It was acutally too cold for us to be outside.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely post. You seem to get the most out of everything you experience - a great talent! I'm with you and Diane on preferring a cooler climate. I'm glad you had such a relaxing time all together.

Karena said...

Vicki such wonderful images and poignant words! Love your site!

Be sure to come & enter my awesome $250 Giveaway from Tracy Porter!!

Art by Karena

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Hi, Karena,

What a wonderful post! I love the stories about the women whose lives are undergoing big changes for the better. And I love your words about cold climates. Here where I live in the Northeastern U.S., it is cold for much of the year, and while winter does tend to hold on for too long, I adore the fall months above all others. I know what you mean about being able to think in such a climate. Now that we're heading into summer here, I know we're in for some hot stretches, and I do rather dread them!

Thanks for sharing your trip! xoxo Gigi

Linda said...

Your description makes me nostalgic for my own country, even tho I'm living here!
What a lovely surprise to see the photo of the pipe band, against that wonderful sky of billowy clouds.

Vicki said...

Hi Suze,
Kristian hung onto that fence for such a long time and the horse slowly meandered over, a nibble of grass every 10 seconds, but the darling didn't give up the wait.

Hi Susan,
I so love being at Steph's place, such a lovely family at the start of their journey, it takes me back.

Hi Diana,
Thank-you. Your garden is divine!

Hi Mariette,
I hope your god daughter enjoyed her visit to Oz. I still can't get over your rose curtins!

Hi Jill,
Your house would be warm whatever the temperature, even if you lived in an igloo!

Hi Christine,
All us cold loving people have to stick together! Here on the gold coast I'm definitely in the minority. When we lived in Noosa it was nothing unusual to see women shopping in bikinis! Noosa is hot!

Thank you Karena, I will!

Hi Gigi,
LOVE your blog, I always leave it feeling refreshed. I have more 'sisters' who like the cold than I had imagined.

Hi Linda,
There were 5 pipe bands! Only posted one photo but they were all so wonderful to listen to and watch. The girls used to belong to one which also taught Highland dancing when we lived in Canberra, they were just going to learn the pipes when we moved...