Welcome to my first post, I'd like to share happy bits and pieces of our life in Queensland following the seasons and events that shape our days. I want to mainly concentrate on the positive side of life, whilst I don't want to put my head in the sand and pretend that there is no war, famine, crime and abuse there are many blogs that deal with those tragedies and they do a far better job that I could in bringing certain issues to light, for me I want a little place of respite from the heavy side of life.
For so many people around the world December is a time to celebrate whether it's from a religious tradition or a time of getting together with loved ones. I want to bring a carefree feeling back into our family after a long and at times stressful past year. I want my two daughters, Alexandria and Chantal to be free from schol worry about projected marks, word counts and deadlines. So, I'm going to put my silly hat on for this month and overload the house with carols, candles and baking. All serious talk is being put on hold and we're going all out for fun!
How are you going to make your Christmas bright?
I hope your December and Christmas is all that you hope it to be.