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Vicki xx

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Road Trip.

Chantal, starting the trip with some apple purchases.This fruit shop sells a lot of wheat grass.
At a rest area, 100 miles from no-where.
Off we go.
Second hand bookshop in rural QLD.

The girls and I have just returned from a 3,000k trip to see our daughter and sister. From Queensland to Ulladulla. From Ulladulla to Canberra. And off on some side roads. Endless undulating sugar cane, merging lanes, narrow bridges, wide rivers, road works, country towns, endless bush, caravans, coffee stops, trucks, petrol stations selling local honey and eggs and assorted weather.
Sugar cane, smoking tractor in distance.

Rural Berry
Rain coming at Berry.
Veggie pie for breakfast from Kempsey, enough for lunch too.
Basil growing in the park, old B&B in background.
Maclean, 1862,  Street signs all have Gaelic translations
Sweetness growing right up to the roads' edge, taken whilst waiting for road works. 
Food and wine, even a BBQ.
We have our favorite stops, the park on the river at Ulmarra that the locals plant with herbs, roses, pansies and whatever is in season, it has a very kitch second hand bookshop that also sells collectibles, even some religious items that look as if they've come from a convent. Maclean, the Scottish town, where every telepole has a clan tartan painted on it and you'll always get a smile from the locals. Little Italy, the rest stop that gives you a huge veranda covered in grape vines to eat your pasta and drink your coffee as you gaze at the murals of Florence and Milan, more herb gardens and a little museum of the early days. Cassograin Winery, where we think we're in France, a formal garden, roses to take your breath away, the best coffee on the east coast and somewhere to throw a ball.

Back street of Berry
Alex doing what she loves, perusing bookshops.

Last stop, Bonjour Patissere, Wahonga, coffee and cake. All the cute, pampered little dogies were out in force, the owners have their coffee brought to them along with a dogie bowl of water. Such is the life of a city dog.

And now we're home. Our adventure is over, I don't think we'll be repeating it for a while as life has changed, University next year. Our routine is firmly back in place. Chantal's 15th birthday tomorrow. What to get this youngest daughter who insists that she has everything she needs and doesn't want a thing? Except maybe an Agatha Christie book. I can't complain at all.

Hope everyone is well, thanks for stopping,


deux chiens et un garcon said...

Dear Vicki, I didn't realise that itwas all on the road. An epic drive. You sem to ahve savoured the best of things along the way.

Happy happy birthday to your beautiful Chantal.

It is lovely when you do get back home to your own bed and rhythm of life.

Much love and friendship

jill x

Susan said...

It's lovely to read about how you and your girls enjoyed the journey, as well as the destination. Too many people rush about getting from point A to point B don't they.
I loved all of your favourite stopping-off spots and quaint little towns.
Cheers :D)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your journey! I particularly loved the Scottish town. I wonder whether anyone there still speaks Gaelic, or an Australian version of Gaelic? Happy birthday to your daughter. If she has learned to be contented with what she has this early on, she has a lot to look forward to! (Thanks also for your kind comment on my blog.)

Suze said...

The bookshop and patisserie (sp?) look marvelous. I am quite jealous.

Helen said...

Hi Vicki, I love a road trip... especially if there are beautiful rural landscapes, nostalgic townships and locally made treats and temptations along the way! It looks like you and your girls had the most lovely time :)